Lockdown is not just staying at home, surfing in the net  and sailing through the boredom. Its a learning process, a realization that your dad can be restless when not going to his work , tracking mom's busy schedule.Reading out their psychology is fun.Spying on neighbours cooking experiments, discovering all secret places in the house where your toys and puny animals got lost decades back and catching up with your old acquaintance via zoom.
Research has found earth is almost still and even smallest vibrations can be noted, maybe we can be well prepared to a future earthquake but not the current pandemic.Time has once again proved its beyond human imaginations and no one can overpower it.Lockdown  has given independence to the nature and the freedom fighter is corona , the invisible power , it has made us realize we are mere dwellers of the globe and can't take share from other living creatures.

When schooling requires 14 years of study, another 7 to 10 years of study makes a doctor who can ensure your viability next  to god. They  are not under lockdown, their routine is unaffected but  they  face even more greater threat. Their happiness lies in saving lives in due course of losing their lives. They are our real heroes. Fingers crossed praying for them is the only gratitude we can show them.

It won't be fair if i don't write of a farmer who somehow managed to feed us even in this critical situation, but again they are unable to transport their commodities, not paid the genuine price and more over what they  treasured for the  past one year in their fields have shattered. There is no security to their livelihood. What changes can we make for their living? It's a greater picture ahead to think of.

Lockdown has created us some personal space to self introspect ourselves, work on our strengths and making life even more better and focused. Its true life is a play and now we have got to have a pause, so make the changes to resume with a greater purpose. Developing mental strength is essential to battle all shortcomings in life(I will be talking about in my next blog),ensure you take initial steps to strengthen your mind and body.

