The transformation of  buds  into flowers require no evidence of the process,they fall into  place naturally. You just can't go behind science , everytime counting the number of petals bloomed per second,the colour variations and the size of the flower for a span of time.The only conclusion is you got  to see a charming , fragrant flower which was just a bud few days back.Ending is the evidence for your growth.

Each one  of us  have such rare flowering plants with in ourselves.The magic is "YOU" that can make all your buds bloom, while there  are many who  cannot find any signs of their unique buds....may be they are going to get bigger flowers.

 Earlier as mentioned in my previous blog( hope you had read it till the end) this blog mainly throws light on developing mental strength. Even writing blogs require some amount of mental strength,you can't consistently do it , if you are  just a beginner in the field.There is always a battle between your heart and mind while preparing to write.Mental strength is  to prepare yourself adapt a routine without blaming your current situations , being aligned with your goals and immensely falling in love with yourself every time during the entire process.May  be  you require some new skills to attain your results.Developing such skills require a wholehearted  willingness to start  the skill. No matter how many times you fail its a strong emotion that sails you forward every now and then.

Take a example of  starting to practise yoga everyday , your start will  be awesome , second day you are not bad , third day for name sake and fourth day the charm is gone. Maybe  you can feel I am writing something related to habit formation but wait , before you can choose a habit you should have a strong mental toughness to master it from the start of the day, that ability or willingness is what I  am discussing here. Consistency is the essential ingredient,time is your investment and you reap fruits of success. You don't know the seeds with in  may  hold huge number of plants for the future.
Finally, poems are examples of how poets exercise their mental strength to assimilate complex human emotions to bring out same emotions via words...!!

