A boat that was left alone in the sea told me the story of a sailor , the sailor who battled the harsh sea winds,his mind and heart filled with the desire to go back home,but at the end he was not successful to sail through the ajitating waves and giant winds.Soon he gave up his hope and life.The boat after years was peacefully carried to the shore by the same sea.I then thought the sea was so cruel.
As a kid running towards sea waves was such a excitment, getting engulfed with her huge liquid arms,as she dragged me towards her , I fight hard to reach back to the shore.But here i think she made me strong to fight back.
Even in life present moments drag us to imagine about our future life,but its hard to fight back to be in the present. As this present will one day become my past and not the imagined future. In reality i live in my future of my past....so the battle is to be conquered but not given up.
Each day that pass by gives us a lot of memories be it good or bad,its very important for us to learn out of them. There is no state called the future but definately a past. May be the sailor was new to sea and he required more skills to sail through the harsh climate,as the saying goes" a calm sea doesnot make a skillful sailor" constantly putting oneself out of comfort zone can really workout miracles for us.Farsightedness is important for development but losing our present may ruin that so called future....
Try to cherish every moment now , make today interesting,do one good deed , take care of your amazing body as u can sink slowly into future at present.Felt happy writing this blog finally after months not a planned one though.Wishing readers a happy diwali filled with joy and hope...!!
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